Hunter Tours: East building

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So this is the East building where the hunter College library is held. Honestly, this slick of very, very conveniently library. It's really important Super long doctor, which is why I show also this is an e mail back. We're all going to the library together to work because we are swarming with Burke two. Oh, God, that was a really, really bad angle of the story. I want you out of these out escalators right in front of the library, and it's very convenient because it is really right there. You could also get to the library from the the bridge like lead you all to the same place and I do. Once again, it's just tap your card and return. Shelving opens and you're free to walk in and you're automatically on the third floor on DH. There are people studying here, too. So we're gonna go to the sixth floor because you could, like, talk there and you won't get yelled at Arsenal, quiet floors and some silent forces libraries where they where also, these air stairs were not taking stairs because I'm super early disease or we're going to go take the elevator. Elevators are really weird, some of them say upper down. If you can see, um, that just means like, they only go in one direction on DH on ly, the elevators can take you out from the third to the seven. The down elevators will take you down from third. Just be where, like, it tells you what you get in just like, don't step into throwing elevator. So after six floor, I really like this where I feel like it's really common chill and you won't get killed that for her talking too loud or whatever. There's, like, a lot of seats and stuff where you can just, like, chill on this. Like more private eyes, study areas like by the wall. For though that I want to show you that there are these classrooms settings, uh, where you could just rent a room for yourself to study or like classes are sometimes hold in here, too. This was like a really big screen, and you couldn't control on your own. I honestly, if you're here for a movie, I'm going to cry because, like, sometimes they really need a room and I see people watching, like Shrek. Um, their books here, I've literally never seen a single person like, look for these books, so So I feel like it's more of the Chilean people excited stuff. There's a super nice of you, but I want to show you this like Booth seating place where there's like a TV and a table on DH there usually always taken up because they're, like, very private, and it's like a really good place to study. So it's more one of you seated together really early, Yeah..