Hunter Tours: Dorm rooms! (Brookdale Campus)

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I do have a video up where it's just like the doorman when I got it initially. This is it basically more or less after it decorated and they probably stuff in. So when I when I like, look at me, hell fits My head is like, popped out, But that's like, Hello, Marissa. I keep a bunch of my clothes here, my nursing uniform, like a lab coat. I thought this back and I don't even use it is if you use it to, like, hold pants and stuff like stuff that I wear usually dresser here and then I just have like, my makeup stuff. So this is great cause it's like, right where like I exited. So it's like basically, like, touch up in whatever. I put everything in, like, this little thing like this towel because you figured out the shower just made the whole thing there, and it's like super convenient. I keep nothing in these yours except for, like shirts that I used to go to sleep I don't really trust instead of these shores, and not exactly clean. Mine has, like coffee stains in it, and I couldn't remove it, so I was like, So the room is pretty small, but it's pretty like, this is my bed. It's very confusing because the bed frame like this part is for Twin XL. But the magic's itself. Like sometimes, like bed shifts so that when I wake up, the gap ends up being here and then like fools fall and it's super inconvenient. That's why I'm not I'm not come over here. You obsess over nice views, and I have, like, I can't even show you guys because you know what? All insert footage. Just make it seem like more homey and like I'm less loading here that some suicide. So I just have like my water supply here because I don't trust the top water here, not because you know it's not clean or anything, but I just prefer to drink. Where you used to bring to the kitchen is just like it's just I don't know what this is called like that you get at the grocery store, but I keep like my pots and pans in here, pasta getting word. I also keep kitchen stuff in here like I have this George dedicated like bulls and utensils. Little plant, which is the biggest regret of my life, because I would really I literally moved in, like, a week ago on this planet is already dying, so it's probably not going to stay alive. If you're gonna get a planet like a quest, I feel like yeah. No. And this's lying dust area to mess. These extension course here, which was very convenient. Um you mean because my laptop goes here and, you know, there aren't a lot of, like, plugs in the wall, so definitely get an extension cord? Uh, yeah. It's just me walking around like you got somebody in your room. I hope you guys, like, you know, use it as room and spoke something. I know a lot of people like to move their bed towards the window here, and that's also super convenient and very, very rewarding because the heater is right there. Yeah, if you do choose the door, like just keeping some consideration.