Yu - UC Santa Barbara

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My name is Yu E. She I'm a 30 year at the University of California, Santa Barbara. I'm a communication major with the psych minor, and today I'm going to be telling you what it was like to take online classes for the past two term. So the transition toe online classes was personally pretty challenging because you go from in person classes where you can talk to your classmates who can talk to professors after class to being completely stuck in your house or bedroom or wherever, and just doing all your work from your laptop. So it was pretty drastic change that I wasn't really ready for during this transition. My day to day life obviously changed a lot just because one Corona virus were all second side and two because of online school. The only real time that you had to do schoolwork was when you had a live lecture that you had to tend with all the free time that you have now going toe online school. It might seem super nice, but actually it made things a lot more difficult because you made a lot easier to procrastinate. Everything I know, I ran into that problem really Early on into the quarter, I really had Teoh sit down, scheduled my whole week out. So I had designated times for whatever class I was gonna work on to make sure that I actually got all of my work done for. I think it's safe to say that current virus had a huge impact on her. Mental health definitely took a toll on mine, just going from interacting with all my best friend's face to face every single day to having to be stuck in our house and staring at a laptop screen throughout the day, which is a really difficult transition. On top of that, me and my friends, we were all involved in extracurricular. So having those cut short for the rest of the year was really difficult on us. I think one thing that really hoped me personally was being able to face time or zoom call. We scheduled game nights together, or just team hang out together, which is really fun, and it was just another way to feel like we're still together. So you CSB where I go to school, they just released a statement saying that we're most likely going to be functioning in a hybrid format where some of the classes Aaron Person. Some of the costs are online, and I think that's just gonna be determined by how many people or in each class. Personally, it's a little worrisome for me because I know that most college towns and students living in the college towns aren't taking current vice as seriously as they should. Maybe not wearing the mass, maybe not hearing Teoh social distancing protocols or anything like that. So to hear that we might be starting in person classes again just kind of worries me a little bit. On top of that, I know that there are a lot of people saying that we might see second wave soon, so I think there's just a lot of things that are still up in the air about what kind of transitions we're gonna be facing. If that second wave does hit during this upcoming term, I think the best advice that I could give to anyone who's considering applying to or enrolling in UCSB is to just have some honest conversations with parents or whoever else is in support of your education and just really consider your options throughout all of this because I know it was super unexpected. So whether that means to continue on your journey to UCSB or choosing a more affordable option, like applying to community college nearby for me personally, I would say that attending UCSB is still worth it just because I've developed a really strong support system as well as a close friend group throughout the past two years that I've been there. I know that for those of you who are still in the enrolling stage in the applying stage, it could be a really difficult decision because you don't have the two years behind you that you develop really strong relationships with. I know that I'm really grateful to have the professors that I did this past year just because I could tell that they were trying so hard to make this experience as effective as possible, even though we are still online. With that being said, I think the most important thing for you to be doing right now is to really just evaluate everything with your priorities as well as your resource is available to figure out if continue on to UCSB is the best option for you, or if considering something else is what's gonna fit you in your situation. The best I know with everything still up in the air that's just gonna make your decisions moving forward that much more difficult. I just want to remind everyone to just do it's best for you, and everything will turn out all right. Thank you for watching this video, and I wish you all the best of luck, but.