Why come to WAC!

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I'm Carrie Jackson, and I choose this fool because of the environmental program. This dream body is a very wide range of people, not it's very diver's range in it. It's a wide range of students everywhere from athletes. Uh, I like how small the classes are that I actually get to know. My professor's classroom climate is really nice. Every teacher that I've had has been very open Teo questions and has always has big of broad office hours. Uh, I'm an environmental studies major, so I'm doing a lot of work with the environmental department, and they really helpful with finding more of your interests and getting you internships and all that kind of stuff. It's a very academically focused environment, Khan. Everything in the college is good about having events. You haven't awesome experience with your professors. You get to know them, which really helps you down the line with, uh, letters of recommendation and faculty relationships and getting to know people and connections. Another pro would be that if you are interested, environmental. We have an extremely strong environmental program as well as a strong international studies program. Languages are also put, uh, encouraged to students. You have to take it, which widens your possibilities of studying abroad and future job options. There's a lot of stuff that we do involving the river. So you have It's a very small town vibe, and there's not a ton of stuff going on. So you get to know pretty much everyone on campus in some way, shape or form, even if its just by recognition of that, they were in one of your classes on the last thing, uh, advised to your senior yourself uh, vices ing yourself when you're in those last two months. Apply early to college, uh, and stay involved in school a little bit, uh, and enjoy it, because it's going to go my way faster than you think it will. Also enjoy going into a new part of your life and be looking forward to that And choose a college where you actually are excited to be attending. I paid you get paid for what I get paid from my body.