Introduction to Washington College

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I am a psychology major with the concentration, clinical counseling, any minor and sociology. Hey, guys, I just want to tell you a little bit about washing college and once all about and tell you why I chose this school. When I was looking all I knew was Rutgers and I want could fuck her so bad because it's a big school with football games and a large campus with a lot of supposed spirit. Then when I was looking, I realize that I really want the smallest cool. Because, Professor, the actually interface and being a freshman, it's really important to know professors for recognition letters and present days and everything in between. It's nice to be able to go to their office hours and they know who you are and they know your name. So the school itself is very small, which could be for any self people to me and I love it because there's about firing people in my class itself, which is about the same in my high school. Everywhere you go, you see people let you know, and it's very comforting, especially being a freshman to know. Okay, I'm walking to the dining hall, but I'm going to see five people who know, and it's very like you see to transition that way because you don't feel so long. You have to meet with that class for two hours a week. If it's Tuesday Thursday, it's an hour and fifteen, and if it's one day a week, that is two hours. So there's four credits per class and each costs me two hours away, depending on if it's four. If it's the full four credits, Um, so you're really not because very often, but you do have a large course load outside of lies because of the four credits and because you're not meeting as much. So you have off while working on studying and a lot of people's butts all reasonable, and they understand they are taking on. The cost is so they're very suitable, really on cementing something. So take six sociology classes, along with six sociology classes. So you really don't get to choose the water into that. For psychology, it's take ten classes and they give you the cost of the ad to tape. There are pros and cons, and there are going to put comes a matter where you go. I called the department like I can do research this upcoming summer if I really, like, want Teo or if I can or like you just have so many opportunities because people know who you are, right off the bat. Another Paro is that you're gonna walk downtown only about a ten minute walk to the main chute, which is called High Street. It's all like local businesses and get ten percent off for most of the places. A lot of the stores have you to show your soon, my auntie, you get ten percent off and it's all that nothing has changed except for like, there's dominoes and talk about a couple of fast food restaurants. Panera so actually nice coming care and knowing that you're supporting families and local was that like getting to know everyone and you'll be walking outside of business. There's like dogs because owners bring the dog and it's just very friendly. All of you live in town, just one like, you know, all the students, and they're so nice to you. It's just it's really, really, really welcoming and environment is so special. I would say along with the pro being in small school, there is the Khan that because it's a small school, that it's hard to network with a lot of people because there's always someone able to choose from to network with. So I would say, if you're coming to a small school, join as many things as possible and as many people as possible because these connections are so important, especially because it is a small school. So when I was visiting schools I was about twenty. You see residents all you see, the library and so on. This is nowhere to be found at any other school and just like the people they like wanted to know who you are. I was like, Wow, you know what, my face my name like, you know what their school's kind of feels like. I would tell myself that don't stress, but we're gonna end up because you're gonna end up where you are. I was so sure that life last year about choosing the right school and getting into the school that I really want to go to. Sometimes you're number one isn't going anywhere you end up. I was being too mean Washing College, where ended up, and Maris College, which was in New York, and I My heart was settled Maris for a very long time, and then I got my acceptance to both schools. I got more money to wash in college, and Washington College ended up being this warm, Ah, home, Terry, because that's how it decides, Um, on Washington College. I would say, Don't stress about where you're getting into getting accepted to because you don't know what you're meant to be and that's move you important because I wish I didn't stress so much about getting into merits or getting in the washing college because it all. I don't works out in the end, no matter what, you're going to be happy with where you end up.