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I'm a sophomore biochemistry major with minors in forensic signs and bio cultural anthropology. I'm a sophomore well, biochemistry major with a minor and photography. So what can you say about Szymon guys? Since you're always here in this building, it's so nice when it's hot outside because the air conditioning is great. Good place to study because it's not super loud. So the Fusion Cafe is a great place to grab some lunch sometimes. So as I'm stem majors, how are your course load for us? It's heavy of sciences, so we take a lot of chemistry classes, take about two left trees, mustard based classes. So where'd you guys? 11 campus? Well, we're roommates, So we both live in Ray Goal. Exide Eyes, wrecks connected to the lakeside dining. It's delicious, Like Lakeside is definitely the best food on campus. So what'd you guys do during the weekends? Hockey games? One. I tend a chill in one of the lounges in the dorms and watch football games. Study tends to be a lot what happens on the weekends. So why did you guys chose C C. Go? I chose him. Yes, we go because a family friend went here for chemistry and love to the program and they had my forensic science minor. I chose Sonny because it's not too far from home on Dhe. I like the fact that the building was really new and everything was nice and, um, kind of cozy on campus. It's not too big, but I mean, it's not small where you kind of I don't feel like you're in a bigger place and the sunset over the lake beautiful. There's a nice spot and shipment to go and see it at all.