Get a look inside a typical upperclassman double at FIT!

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I'm here right now because I'm about to do my tour. I live in the upperclassmen dorms, which are about a ten minute walk from F I. T from the actual school building. They're called Kaufman Hall and I'm a junior, so that's why I'm over here. It's really easy Commute like time and a lot even less if you want it to be. Sometimes I feel like you're not really like at school anymore, which is different from the other dorms on right across the street from the school. Those are really nice to live there my freshman year and I really loved it. I'll give you a little overview of the room. There's just two of us, but I'll start You're so yeah, yeah, which is really nice. You get two things and you also get a stall around your toilet. Around a little bit and we have our kitchen area. It's called and then it comes with all the appliances. If you're gonna want one, you have to bring it yourself. Then there's a bunch of Cabinet space, good and please. Here is our dining room table Like Guess you could call it. You get as many shares as they are roommates in the room. Then on top of that, we have something Mertz from Holy cream, which is a great tone, a place with. It's like Write a few blocks up from our dorm, so we like to order some from there sometimes, and this is my roommate side. So her bed and I'm a closet on her desk and then my mind set of the scene by justice next to hers, and then underneath the beds there is door space that they provide, which is really nice the way but really handy for more clothes or other things. Because if you raise your bed, you have space underneath. So that's where I keep my printer on my textbooks might. Mirror closet, which is nice, Jess, which you also get these drawers provided, but you're really nice. You don't want to marry but to keep the bear because their way. We have a really nice view of the New York side, which is right up there. If you're hiring, you were pretty, You know, it's fine.