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I live in one of many Commons that we have We have Cocker Macintosh. More is the McGinnis Mackel, veiny Krum Armstrong, Kathy Crow, Lloyd and where her? Gina Snyder Mary Hey, pain shuttles, which is a combined one. We have about seven eight comments here as Southern Methodist University. Um, the one I live in right now is Michael veiny, which is a combined room. We have my roommate over there when she's not here right now, but that's where I live. So this is my side over here on DH. Typically, what we have is for many, for many rooms, there are sweet style bathrooms, which are shared by two separate rooms. We have a community style bathroom, which is all the way on the outside, which I can show you guys is. It is kind of in a way you get to know more about who lives on your who lives on your floor, and you get to connect with friends, and I have actually made a lot of friends here ever since I moved into this room, and I've made a lot of memories in this room, so yeah, that's what our life is all about. Okay, so I decided to show you guys a bit of what my room looks much more in detail. I apologize if it's really, really dirty and stuff we I've been just, like running in and out of the room each day. If you know me, I'm a second semester freshman and just it's just everything. Spring semester with new people, new prospective students coming in. There's just a lot of things you need to take care of. Let's string all the way from my pillow to my closet over here. I have holidays that there's any, like dirty stuff happening over here. Um, and that's where I take my clothes out and stuff. As I said, because of obligations that I have been running in and out on day do have work everyday. It used to be really cleaned this the past semester that I lived to hear lived you here in, but it just became a huge miss after the first few weeks. Sexy mister, here's my roommate side of the room. He consented me that I would let him do it, or he would let me record his side of the room. He's not in the room right now, so that's a good way opportunity for me to show you guys what our entire room looks like.