What Do the Beaches at UCSB Look Like?

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So when you ask most people what the best part about it is, they'll probably safe if it's right next to you. I don't really believe somebody said how close it was. Being a freshman here, I realized it's literally right next to the beach. My doorman and a caf au was baby to this peak right here about a forty five second walk. It's so nice being able to wake up in the morning. Just see the blue ocean and I'll show you guys a little bit. This is campus point, the go to area if you like to be by the beach, if you wanna go surfing or kayaking, there's a lot of equipment on here that's out for rent or the actually purchased sixty dollars. Can you discount that? You could just get anything home for free. We're here today to go surfing, but unfortunately they ran out of equipment, but that's all right for the beaches. I really wished and feel like a take Granted this entire scenery.