Welcome to Straub Hall + hear about Class Size at U of O!

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So this is straw, Bob, and this is where a lot of lectures are because it's one of the biggest lecture halls. I was able to get a shot inside of this one, and this one's the seats like three to four hundred kids. Uh, they were setting up for some sort of concert or something when I went through. Then I went to the classroom just across from there, which is a bit smaller of a lecture style classroom. My story actually is chapter and that smaller costume usually. Then there's some pretty art on the wall in a nice staircase that goes upstairs. Then I just walked out here, and so this is just kind of like a little courtyard, um, in the back of Straw. I thought this would be a good time to kind of explain the dynamic of like having lecture classes and discussions, because I think that can be intimidating. For a lot of people, when coming to a big school and you'll go is a big school, it's between twenty and thirty thousand. So how it works is, if you do have a big lecture, say, like two hundred plus people, then you'll probably have a discussion section, which means you'll go to the lecture about three times a week and then you go to the discussion once a week, and the discussion really, really hopes it feels a lot more like high school, where you can actually talk to the people around you and talk to your teacher, and they are very helpful. Those are honestly the types of classes that I feel like work and that dynamic, like I feel like if you needed more one on one attention with the teacher for a certain class than it would be a smaller class like what I'm saying is I feel like the class sizes are appropriate here. So as you get older and you get into more difficult classes. The class sizes get significantly smaller, and especially as they get more specific to your major, they get smaller. So you'll have that more kind of tight knit collaborative environment as you get older and narrowed on your major more. That being said, when you're in underclassmen and you are in these big lecture classes, I would say every single professor I thought no matter if I loved them, I hated them, are totally open to you, like talking to them like every single day after class. You could go up to them and and ask questions and let them know your concerns. So having those big discussions child classes are really find are the big lecture style. I personally like them because I learned really well from lectures. Don't let the big class size is necessarily intimidate you, because even though they are big, there is always there. If you need additional, um, more one on one help in any subject.