My Room Tour!

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It's pretty small, but it does have a coat rack and a couple of drawers down below that he can store pretty small items in. Up above is where I keep my snacks, trash bags and other toiletries that extra. This is my dad's working my computer and do my homework As you can see my makeups in the corner, I'LL execute some pictures up to remind me of cold when I'm getting lonely. Um, and this is the window, the back window facing Matthew Knight Arena What you can see right over there under my bed. I have my dresser, which is where I keep my nightly toiletries, some extra snacks and has two large sized drawers, and I keep my shoes down here as well. Now we're going to go ahead and head to the bathrooms, which, if the first one right to your left here is busy, is kind of a walk to the next one, and being you all have our own bathrooms to use doctors, anyone.