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Great way to the mall with a bunch of really popular place. There are a lot of different stores here, and when I first got here, when I first moved to telephone, I didn't know what a lot of stores were. Just they weren't brands that I had back at home. Now I've like fallen in love with a lot of the things here. There are, of course, there are bars for people who are over twenty one. There are clubs for people who are eighteen and older way have a Cinemark movie theater, which has these reclining chairs, Super awesome, and they have five dollars would be tickets on Tuesday night. Thousands lightly that we've made our way over to Friday, which is right next to them all. I'm walking through one of the streets of uptown. That's a cupcake place that sells some of the best cupcakes ever. They have beaten cupcakes, which I think are better than the regular cupcakes. Like I said, we have a Cinemark theater down this road. We have much of bars and clubs for people eighteen plus and or twenty one. Plus, they're closed now this week, the week day. There's definitely a lot more going on over the weekend, starting Thursday night through Sunday night. There's a lot more going on, but I do recommend coming down here and checking it out. Got the melting pot? There's like subways and some other like restaurants and stuff more down this road. The green turtle, if you haven't heard of it pretty good. They have a good veggie burger there, so come check out of town.