15 Things to Know Before Coming to Drexel

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So today for my video, I'm going to do with 10 things I didn't realize until I came to college, So let's get started. So I have everything listed here on my phone, so I'm just gonna kind of reading them all. So the first thing is that money disappears, fashion anything here directly to terms. I'll use them to the bathroom to walk around my floor to throw trash away like anything. The third thing is that college is way more competitive than high school, but it could also mean that I'm in a lot of classes with overachievers, and they all want to be better than the rest of people. So the fourth thing I have is that you never get enough sleep, no matter how much you get. Obviously, you'd be tired, but like he always ate Worsley, right? So the fifth thing is that there's always something to be done. If you think that you have finished everything and there's nothing to be done, you're forgetting something like that just happened to me recently. Thank God I've never had designed today because it was canceled because it's snowing outside. So the six thing, especially you living like a big city. Then it's on the other side of the city, and you don't want to be walking there alone at night in a sketchy part of the city and 12 in the morning. So uber eats is definitely gonna be your best friend. So the seven thing is that food trucks take cash, and I think maybe everybody else here knew that. I only carry my credit card so I can never go to a food truck. I mean, not say that's like a bad thing, but Philadelphia has a lot of food drugs here, like there's so many. There's one right outside of my door with dorm room building outside my dorm building, and I mean considering some bird open, but like, there's still a lot of food trucks, and I still never ate any of them. So that a thing is that no matter how big your school is, you will always see somebody walking around that you know, every single day you will see somebody walking past, whether there's somebody you know, one of your classes, somebody who you never talk to you But you've only seen when you were instagram stalking or other random things. You will see somebody who you know if you go outside your room. So the ninth thing is that when you first get to school, you're gonna make friends and then they're going to start to fade off just because one of for like in the first few weeks, everyone's trying to put up like the best version of themselves even if it's not who they really are. Then you kind of like, See, they are like, they will be like, Oh, well, I don't really wanna make time and effort just that time with you versus spending having somebody else. Yeah, you're just gonna kind of like me people and they're gonna paid off. Then you like to them on one of those awkward strolls around campus, for you see people who you know. So the 10 thing is that big cities equal wind tunnels. If it's 20 degrees with a wind chill and then that brings it down to, like five degrees or something like that, it's terrible. 3 11 thing is that professors also have a life, so you will see them walking around campus and walking to and from their bosses like say hi to them like they're nice. They're people, too, like they're not gonna just blow you off unless you're in a 500 person lecture hall or something. So the 12 thing I realized is that you're going to see the people who live on your floor a lot. Maybe that's just cause I live in a communal dorm room or it's just were always around. We share a bathroom, so you're just gonna walk out and you're going to see people like all the time or you'll do stuff together on your floor as a group or whatever, but you're seeing people who you share a floor with a lot. So the 13 thing, which is kind of like one of the bigger ones that everyone tells you, but you never really realize it until you get to college that the days are long, but over all the time flies by so quickly. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't that long ago, but it's just the days are forever. Then it seems like we also just moved in recently to it's a crazy thing. The 14 thing, which I never thought I would realize but I definitely did, is that stocks somehow magically gain speed and disappear. Maybe it's the laundry rooms or something, but I swear I came to school with a lot more socks that I have now, and I'll have, like one, like I'll have one purple one and I'll have one blue one, and I just wear them together because they're similar colors. So the 15 thing in the last thing is that snow boots, great boots and just all in general, winter here an absolute must, because in college your process will never be canceled. You could have two feet of snow outside, and your professors would still make you walk. Tow us, trudging through the so but yet in high school class would be cancelled for literally raid, so get prepared to never have your process canceled. Sometimes some weeks you'll have, like, almost no losses because your professor is somehow all got sick of one week just good. It is lovely when that happens, but sometimes somebody else you know, we'll have, like older classes canceled in your city over here. You know what's funny? I have my phone right here, and you can see the screen reflected on my shirt.