Typical Weeknight at Macon

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So usually after a long day of class or work or anything like that, one of the several departments on campus provides different events on campus talks, lectures, things like that that you can just go to S O This is a lecture or a talk that I went tio with a professional recruiter that was giving advice on salary negotiation. I feel like it's obvious that vacation is Hey is turned that your employer pays for you to not work. I feel like you don't want to make you an offer before they just give it to you that might e mail you or give you a call while they're still waiting for, you know, to get the recommendation back. If they don't, then you are just kind of, you know, it's basically about playing it cool now. So this talk was right after the salary negotiation talk. I had to run there to make it on time, But it was through a recruiting company, and they were teaching us students in the stem field how to rework out resumes and get the job. This's a typical night in homework, pizza, more homework. I also want to go to bed, but we can't just sit here and look.