Your Tour Guide: Keira

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I go to Randolph making college, and this week I'm gonna be taking you guys on a tour all around the campus. I'm a senior, so I'm graduating in May, and I'm really, really excited about that. I'm an engineering physics major, so if you're wondering what that is, it's kind of like a mixture of civil engineering, mechanical engineering and a little bit of physics sprinkled in there. Um, on campus, I'm the president of making melodies, which is the one of the only aka Paella groups on campus. I am also the event coordinator for sweetie, which is the Society of Women Engineers. We have a chapter here on campus, and then another thing about me is that I'm from Richmond, Virginia, so I am pretty local. I came here from about twenty or thirty minutes away on, So I still see my family alive and I still talk to my mom. My sister is pretty much every day, so that's really cool. I worked at the Edge Cur Center, which is a career services and career development center here on campus. I've been working here since I was a freshman, So clearly, I really, really like it. So this is my office and just in here, just chatting with you guys. If you're interested in Randolph Macon and you want to know what it's like or you've already been accepted to the college, and you just want to know what it's gonna be like, get a little sneak peek of what college is like when you get here.