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Like I said, I'm in the college liberal arts. There are a ton of different majors in here, and I can't possibly name them all. You can look them up online, but to name a few there. Family studies for that lighting, changing family studies, any kind of minority studies, English, the theology, history, all that kind of stuff being here deaf studies well, for currently being moved over the building. They have two favorite buildings, and this was one of them. The reason why I love feeling so much like so many, Like little nooks and crannies and places and stuff to study at like you confined so many lounges, I'll show you one, two, three and also here, the little cafe that they have they just expended extended their breakfast hours that it's open all the time when it's open floor. With all that I could find on this one floor, this building has five floors and there's a ton of them on every floor. So there's always somewhere to, like, sit and study. I am currently on their way to my parent and childhood relationship across the life span class. I called my parents last, but that's where I'm often. I'm here with my friend, so she won't introduce yourself and tell her. Tell us a little bit about Hi. I'm Kiersten, uh, sophomore Major's Family Human Services. I like both of them for you from, uh, Harford County. I live with no neighbors for, like, a mile vicinity. What is your favorite? And these tear apart about Allison, uh, my favorite part of the friends that I've made like you. We have to get a job and then her minor is my major, and we both kind of have very similar majors. I can't say parking because I don't have to fight for you on campus, and I know that's a big one. I don't like having to walk all the way from West Village to the other side of campus because it's just it's bigger than I think. Well, my friend tried to get on one once, and she ended up going like Alto Whitemarsh when she thought it was on campus. I I e. Will say, when I came in at the freshman like understanding the shuttle was, like, totally new to me. Now that I'm getting, I've never been on a shuttle except for them. The one time I had to write it for orientation, the leg work.