Thank You, CampusReel!

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Really? Because I thought that it would be a good way for me not only to earn money but also to learn more about my own campus, which it definitely did. Nor had I really appreciated degree to which I started appreciating them in my videos, because once I went on the bluff or to the life sciences building or to my own dorm and the Deja Vue movie theater, I started realizing how amazing my campus really is having something gardens where a singer held a concert and this beautiful chapel and greenery all around. It really helped me to see my campus for what it is. Not that I didn't appreciate it before, but now I see it in a different lens. I'm really glad that I did this because it made me go out and film or two. I hadn't been very active with my camera recently, especially not for semester and now twenty nineteen. I'm trying to start filming more, taking more pictures. I'm just getting more use out of my cameras, so I gain more experience. That's exactly what campus really helped me. So I'm very grateful for this opportunity held by videos were of great quality and used to you guys because I had a lot of fun making them. I spent some late nights in the tech lab editing. I really had to plan ahead. It taught me a good time management skills, along with encouraging me to interact with more of my peers and going out and exploring campus. So thankyou campus riel for these opportunities By..