Take a tour of Erb Memorial Union

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Alright, Next, I'm going to try my best to show you the EMU, which is the Herb Memorial Union. It's just kind of like a big building in the middle of campus. Has much of food home, a computer lab? Just everything is just kind of like the hub of campus. Uh, there's a Starbucks panda subway, a burger, place a pizza place. Um, there's the duck nest, which is like where you can go to take a nap, Meditate. There's a bunch of really nice places to study. Um, there's a piano that's near the Star Books area, and there's like a little lounge. I often go to the E M u to print things because there's like a really nice computer lab like nice printers with nice paper and stuff. So if you like, I need to print pictures or whatever, you could go there. Since it's going to be loud in there, I can't really, I'm talking to go through, so I'm just going to take, like, a long shot. So first there's like this little amphitheater. People will do like table ing here and like to get the word out about their events and stuff and stuff like that. Come meet for different things, and then I'll walk through the doors downstairs, and so first you walk into the left is where you get your ID card if you lose it to the right is a little market recon by food. Then there's just a lot of nice places down there. There's a bubble tea place and ice cream place, so that's pretty cool. That down from there is the computer love in the darkness and the craft center. If you're into crafting or pottery, things like that and then upstairs. There's like I said, a Starbucks, a panda subway and that little lounge area with the piano, and then that's about it. That's that's the EMU. Well, it's it's all there is to it. Pretty much, I mean, actually know there's more to it. That's like the main areas that I utilize and that, I think attract a lot of people. It's a great place to like Come hang out and study, especially if you live off campus. Then when you're on campus, you can kind of go hang out there, all right. So now I'm gonna exit the EMU and you'll see a nice little area where there's just some grass in some tables we consider outside when it's sunny out. It's like the middle of winter, and we've had such great weather this year. So that's the main kind of area of thirteen, and I am Yu part of campus and then be on. There is our dorms and some sports complexes and some other stuff and really excited to take you through.