Student Interview

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Today I'm going to be interviewing my friend Calvin, tell more about the campus and himself introduced yourself and explain why you chose your school. I chose College of St Rose because of its diversity on my thing. That college isn't what I call true students from different cultural backgrounds, different places of origin. I loved that also was drawn to Save Rose because it's awesome. Education program programs came from twelve and have a house in special education program. So that's probably two reasons why I decided to be on this campus. Describe the student body at your school, like I said before, is a very diverse We have students from different countries, different speaking households, home Spanish, German, Portuguese, American styling which, whatever language you may think, you see it on this campus home. Of course, there are different types of personalities on campus. A Thai speed types can see types, so get it all off campus. What is your major And describe the academic climate? Of course. Oh, my major is, um, social is adolescent and special education. Major Baltimore dual major with the bachelors and masters in education from the epidemic climate is very, very rigorous, especially program I'm in because there's a five year B A. M S E D program. So there's a lot of work that is a sign to students in that program way have classes arranging from Europe, content which my continent's history. So I have history courses ranging from one hundred level courses, which are the easiest courses. Of course, four hundred level courses, which are the hardest course. So really depends on what class you take, but everybody's here to help you in. It's it's it's a good school to get what's your favorite and least favorite part of your school, and why my favorite place on campus is actually allow School of education. Building the reason why? Because I'm an education major, and I like it because you also have a library in that building curriculum library also have a kind of snap cafe building, and then you also have a study area. So depending on where you want to be, if you wanted to research and go to library, one snap goes the cat bang. So that's why I like the lousy school of education. I will say the seeds, but least just because there's a lot of people there. Sometimes it can be very overpowering, overcrowded. That's what I was saying Is that using which is our events center, where you could find a bookstore, you could find the mail room, and we'll also find our main dining hall in the sea to swim on Western Avenue. Thank you for describing the law school and E. Because I actually gave a tour off. You have to describe it better than I did during the video, so thank you.