Student Interview

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Introduce yourself and explain why you chose Saint Rose. Financially speaking, I got a bunch of scholarship money academically, musically would really spoke to me was how comfortable I felt. How natural spontaneous I felt here with not only the students when I first started coming in first coming weeks, but also the faculty and the facilities that we have in this, uh, school. I really admire how up to date we are with technology, um, how informed our professors are, no matter how young or old, with technology, with how we how we learn as young, growing musicians, adults. So having the smaller, more concentrated environment really, I can dig it. So and then again, I'm only twenty minutes away from home. It's still nice to have that homey feeling. I am a Latino small town dude that sings barbershop and dances salsa and loves to run and cook and etcetera. I know people who are from all over the U. S. From different parts of the world who either in there the music program are there, not the music program, but divers is the number one statement I could. It's ridiculous on a grape awesome way, spiritually speaking, socially, everyone. What is your major? And described the academic climate? Well, I'm a music at Major, with a concentration on voice. Climate of the of my major, I'd say it's pretty Hi temp and I say hi, temp and meaning of There's a lot going on. I wouldn't say competition, but everyone wants to do their best. There's only certain of only a certain amount of opportunities for only a certain specific amount of people. We're competitive or also very collaborative and supportive of each other in the same invite. What is your favorite and least favorite part about your school and why I think my least favorite because we are in a concentrated school um, environment and people who come from small towns or even huge cities. I would think it would be the narrow minded of this of people. A lot of people don't have the ability to brought in their palate as far as acceptance of other humans of other majors of anything, really a small environment. Ifyou're usedto being in a big city, then you come to a small environment like this, a small concentrate environment. I don't care for the lack of unwillingness to be accepted. My favorite part of St Rose is probably the people again, back to the whole diversity. You really get people who are acceptance of broadening their palate and who are there and continuing to do that. You can just kind of looked their way and kind of see how they go about doing their things and learn from that and appreciate that.