Spring Term Reflection 2 @ Dartmouth (College Rewind)

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So we're going to go to the festivities and hope no one dies. Just getting a little bit of work done and looking forward. It's been a long time, but hey, what's up? Hello? Let's rewind a little bit, shall we? So Green Key is like the third main key event. I would say that green he is the most fun and interesting. Like involving one out of the three, I think homecoming was pretty fun, mostly because it was like tours the beginning of the year. As freshmen, you're kind of in the spotlight, like immediately. It was our first introduction toe like what Dartmouth's could be. Winter Carnival was kind of just very in code, but Green Key stepped it up. I just not comfortable whatsoever in those situations, and so I try to avoid them. Even for people like me, Green Key was still pretty fun. As you have see in the video like, I would be honest and say that the constant, the first main concert on Friday night was kind of a lot because most people were kind of out of it towards like the main act. Everything just kind of became a mosh pit, and I actually left early. I didn't actually go see the main act because it was just the pushing and shoving and like the sweaty nous and like the beer everywhere was just the law for me. Everyone was happy you, and if they were a little bit out of it for a lot out of it, everyone was just having a good time. I think that energy really rubs off on everyone, regardless of if you're into departing or not. The free food There was so much free food and you've gotta love anywhere that gives you free food. So since I uploaded my last college rewind, Hillary Clinton came to canvas and look, I'm like the last person to be involved in politics, and I didn't understand the ends, an ounce of everything that she said. From what I've heard, she was pretty savage. The Buddhist disappointment to me has been a Republican Party. After that, everything kind of just took a turn. The main reason for that is because I'm taking this introductory chemistry class this term, and that class basically stretched me to my breaking point. I think a lot of the intro classes intro science classes are leaders, so they try Thio make it so that a lot of people don't do very well, So it's not like an easy class apple, but I feel like darkness. Chemistry just went on steroids, and I think I've spent the last two weeks of the term doing nothing but chemistry all day, and I don't think I've ever understood a class that thoroughly, which You know, I'm kind of proud of myself for doing that. Then at the same time, I also ran like a 39 3 fever for a couple of days. Of course, there are some real happy times to, like, continuing with the trend of going out and about in the spring term because it's pretty brilliant there, Uh, I actually went to pet dogs way. Went to trivia night with a bunch of my friends and her new by restaurant. Make your What do we want? To be way Even played Frisbee outside us. When did you plan this? What is this? D'oh, d'oh! You put it in water, It will grow into a boyfriend. Oh, so I just want to take a moment to, like, just sum up this term. I would say that this term really started off really, really strong. I think was the best start for all the terms I had this year because fall term was like a huge transition period, and you don't really get to enjoy because you're trying so hard to transition into the college life. Then winter term was kind of just like coal, and nobody really wanted to do anything. The spring term was really like Lieber, so I went into town a lot more this term, and I think that really gave me a burst of energy. Of course, that comes at a price like the time that you don't spend in a library must be made up for because, especially with introductory chemistry, you really can't slack on the studies. I know that you are having fun and that your you have thanks to make up for also felt that was really different, like especially toward. Divide was just different because it's the last term of the academic here, at least for like most of the students. So there's a lot of like wrapping up stuff that you have to take care of towards the end, and at one point I found myself having deal with finals ends and then picking classes for the next term and the ordering boxes off Amazon and then sorting out my storage options for the summer and then preparing for final exams again. It was definitely a lot because towards the end everything is just panicking and adding that more stuff on top of it was just we're just a lot of extra burden. So it was definitely a huge learning color learning curve. That was my last turn my first year at Dartmouth, like always, there was a lot of downs and, like always.