Social Life at Colgate

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I'm from Central Florida in a very like suburban area close to a city, so I was initially worried about going to Hamilton, New York, which only has about 4000 people and being kind of in this really rural area. It wasn't really until I got campus that I realized it's kind of impossible to be bored. There's always so much going on, and so it really means you're able to do a bunch of things. Uncle Dates campus and also kind of explore the town of Hamilton. If you ever are wanting to get off campus for weekend, get away. Most people really do choose to stay on campus, and there are so many different on campus events that are going on during the week and on the weekends to ensure that there's plenty of things you can dio that you're not bored. Of course, there's always different sporting events that are happening and those air super fun. It's a great way for all the students and people in the community to come together and cheer on the Colgate team. There's actually a bunch of school spirit and the community love to come out and support Colgate because the town of Hamilton and Colgate are so connected. There's also so many different events that school puts on and that the different clubs put on. There's different talks that happened during the week. You get like free pizza free movie, and it's just a really fun way to spend Friday night. So it gives them a chance to kind of do something fun on the weekends. It's a good alternative for students who might not be into partying. Last year, my friends and I kind of happened upon that. Colgate activities, for it also puts on a bunch of different events, like roller skating and laser tag and food. We just bring free food, and it's a great way for you to kind of try the restaurants from downtown. Some of my most memorable times, just because I was really able to form close friendships with a lot of people on day formed an important community for me, a cold feet. So that's something that I have really appreciated throughout. My time at Colgate is having that close group of friends and, you know, just going to the dining hall super late and kind of talking. Colgate students do work hard and definitely love to play harder to. So the social scene on campus is pretty strong on a lot of students, like going out to parties on. There are five fraternities and three sororities will be does delayed recruitment so you can't rush until your sophomore year, which is actually great because it allows you to, like form communities and friendships outside of Greek life. Do you choose to get involved in Greek life, but I think it's different from a lot of other schools in that you won't be excluded from social scene. If you're not part of a fraternity or sorority for me, I'm not affiliated with Greek life, and I don't really think it's affected my collegiate experience at all. I still think I have a pretty good social life, and I'm friends with people both inside and outside of Greek life. It's really up to you how much you want to make creek life part of your college experience. You can really participate in it as much or as little as you want. That's an option for students who are interested in Greek life. What should perspective students know about on campus? Socialize, reiterating what I said before I'm Greek. Life is a popular option for students Teoh get involved with on campus, but it's definitely not necessary to have a social life to be a part of that. That's kind of what's different from some other schools you don't have to be in Greek like to, um involved or have a social life on campus. A lot of students do You choose to go out and party. You can get involved with Teoh form communities and then you can kind of hang out with your friends and for so many other alternative events and things that are put on for students who might not want to do that. That's something that I've really appreciated about Kogi. My first year I was kind of into like going out and partying. I really just cherish the time I spent like hanging out with my friends and doing other fun events to kind of take the place of that social life. There's so many different opportunities for you to get involved with different things, but it's really up to you how you want to spend your time and Colgate. Either way, I think there's a vibrant community for social life and doing fun things on campus, so There's so many different options. You can really choose to make your college experience how you want it to be.