Skye's Experience here at Towson

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Okay, So I'm with you, Sky and Taylor right now, and they're going to talk. About what? Their favorite part about Nelson and everything. Just introduce yourself and explain why he shows talent. I just transferred into Towson, and I fixed Towson because they have a really good job right after school. Um, talk about the student body here at Kelson. There's a lot of groups, a lot of clubs, so you can pick which one you want to be part of. Um, talk about what's your major and describe the academic climate within your major. I double major anthropology and for you also spend a lot of time in hell. There's not a lot of anthropology majors here, so it's very one on one classes. I was two, My professor's They're really cool. Then what's your favorite and least favorite part about Kelson and why my favorite part about thousand? Is that the campus itself is thing, but like when you get to class sizes and everything, it's not that big of a school and my least favorite. What? Okay, the people that cause are not that Fred least favorite, right? Okay. Is there anything else that you wanna tell Incoming students that might come here? Don't worry about admission.