Scheduling College Classes| How I manage a busy schedule AND stay PRODUCTIVE

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In this video, I'm gonna be sharing with you guys my fall semester schedule for college this year. You really basically, this fall I'm gonna be finishing my sophomore year. My work schedule, practice schedule, my church schedule, you know, stuff like that. That's gonna help you to lay out your life. Like, trust me, hopes Very first course that I'm gonna talk about is communication. It is a 25 person lecture, and I have it Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from money M to 9 50 So the point, of course, basically is to just strengthen your communication skills as it pertains to how you write, speak, operate, conduct yourself in the business world. I don't really think I'm gonna like it, and it's for a few reasons. Number two is because I know you guys don't know me personally, but when it comes to business, I articulate and I explain, and I am so proficient in terms of talking or conducting myself in a business professional manner. So having ah course specifically for communication, literacy, in my opinion, is not something I need. I just feel within myself that it's not gonna be like a life changing to bomb warm, but I just don't really think I'm gonna need it. I don't think I'm gonna like this course, but I got to take it. Okay, so this course is by far gonna be my favorite. It's a 360 person lecture, and I have it Mondays and Wednesdays from 3 to 3:50 p.m. Okay, who is banging on the walls? So, basically, the point of the course is to present the basic framework of accounting principles that are used in the business world and current day. I know I'm gonna love this course for a few reasons, and here they are, Number one. Another thing I love about big lectures is the fact that I can basically sink into the crowd and not feel ever feel singled out on the other reason why I'm know I'm gonna love this course is the fact that I decided I wanted to be an accounting major. Back in high school my junior year, I took an accounting course of basic principles of accounting course in high school. I did so well in the course and I realized, you know what? This is what I want to do with my life, but I know it's gonna be more difficult because this is college, and that was high school. I just know I have a great foundation already, and I know I'm gonna do well, I know I'm gonna love it. Okay, So my next course is called Career Connections One, it's prefix is N. G to 98. It's only a one credit course, but it is a 280 person lecture, and I have only one day a week on Thursdays from 3 30 to 4 50 This course is a 10 week course. Basically, the course is literally to help students develop a career action plan on bits. A little shaky on this one, but I don't think I'm gonna like it, because I once again, I just know what I want to do. So I don't need a career action plan, and I don't need, of course, to help me find my career action man, I know I wanna be an accountant. So that's why I'm not too sure on this course. Now, one thing I do like about the course is that they promote internships. This course talks more about accounting internships during this winter on how to apply for them. This disgusting course is calculus for management, and I'm not excited. It was so bad that I had to audit the course so the terrible grade wouldn't show up on my high school transcript in, Yeah, it was just terrible. I need the Lord to be my test taker because I'm not looking forward to this course. That's that's just that next course this course first, most disgusting. Of course I'll be taking this fall, and that is introduction to statistics for announces. Even though I am a business major, the university requires all students to take some sort of science courses. It's just about, you know, like sustainability, environmental challenges that we face so talking about, like carbon footprints, plastic use, you know, basic stuff like that. So the lab for the course is called Earth Environment in Quiet Climate Laboratory and the prefix Where is Geo One? 05 It is only one credit, so that's good. That's good, but basically the lab is gonna be using the scientific method to analyze the environmental stuff that will be learning in the lecture. You gotta do what you gotta D'oh! So those air all the courses I'm gonna be taking the semester. Basically, whenever there's a sports game, they need people to work, concessions, work, taking tickets, work, being an usher in the stadiums, whatever it is, you know that they need. Here is my schedule for life was gonna focus There we go and everything that I have to d'oh! I am beyond excited to be starting school again this fall. My first day of classes is August 27th. I know this year is going to be amazing. If you did like this video, make sure staying tuned into my channel for the next videos that I upload. I'm gonna be uploading a lot in terms of light back to college, that sort of thing.