Samantha: UOP Athletic Training Program

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mhm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, Hi, I'm Samantha, and I'm a graduate student here at the University of the Pacific Today. I want to talk about our athletic training program here at UOP. AT was a move for me because I just like how much more of a fast pace environment it provides. And then, plus, treating and preventing injuries for younger athletes is more my like, setting you break bones? No scary. Mhm. No, we don't break bones. But we are healthcare professionals. While athletic trainers are sometimes confused with personal trainers, we are quite different. Athletic trainers provide services or treatment that include primary care, injury and illness prevention, wellness promotion and education, emergent care examination and clinical diagnosis and therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation. I like doing cooking. I like that I can apply the cups to someone and then take them through some exercises to get them moving. I like that they're able to I feel that something is happening, that they're working to get themselves better. I think my favorite therapeutic intervention is joint mobilizations. Because it's something you can physically feel working. And then you can have the patient get up off the table. and see their body function better instantly. And so it's like it provides them relief that they didn't even know they needed or that they could achieve.Our athletic training program is a full time cohort model that consists of 60 units over the course of two years. We have a caring faculty that provide classroom and laboratory instruction as well as an extensive hands on experience. We have many opportunities to practice our clinical skills not only in class but at various clinical sites such as high schools, junior colleges and Division one universities. Since our program encourages students to develop inter professional relationships, we have the privilege of networking with other health care professionals. Additionally, our program funds students to attend the state athletic training conferences, so we are exposed to other professional athletic trainers, techniques and practices. Our program also encourages us to give back to our community at events such as trunk or Treat with the Children's Museum. Whenever we engage with our students here at you, UOP, there's always this excellence that they produce and they're always trying to achieve, and so you know, it's very rewarding as someone who is on the side of the teaching to not have to, you know, kind of pull teeth to get you to try to understand things. And there's a lot of self motivation that our students have. I am excited to get again anyone who wants to put in the work and the time to get to that optimal level of learning. Our program works hard to prepare us to become highly qualified health care professionals. But the best parts of our program include the memories and laughs we share. Mm hmm. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Wow. That was something. Ha, ha.