Meet Gabi! A student at Whittier College

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I am a junior at Whittier College, and I'm majoring in biology and Spanish. I'm on the pre med track, and I'm from Tacoma, Washington originally, um, but of course, California has the sunny weather. Um, but I'm currently here in Washington because school is online. So let me show you when we tell you all about my school, okay? To start my wittier journey. So how do I find out about Whittier? Um, so basically, I was recruited by the track coach because I am on the track and field team, and I had no idea what wittier was where it was. I found out that it's a beautiful, sunny California, um, right outside of Los Angeles and it really close to the beaches. So the coach had me fly down, do a tour, and I actually got to stay with one of, um this a teammate of mine. You get to really feel for what the dorm life is like. Once I stepped onto the campus, it felt like I was right at home, like, you know, that feeling that you're supposed to get that everyone talks about in the movies and everything. I felt it was my place, and I was really excited for my future there. So I know the big question that everyone is asking is, What is the dorm life like? Of course, that was my main thing to like, Where am I going to sleep? Where am I going to be? What am I worth my stuff going to go? So this is my dorm freshman year, and I was staying in one of the freshman dorms called Stauffer Hall. I'm at my roommate and been best friends ever since, and that experience that you have, you just come in with the automatic friend and It's just a great feeling to have. So you're just right there just living with all of your friends. You don't have to ask permission from your parents and be like, Hey, can I go hang out with someone? So you're like, you just can do it. It was one of the reasons why I chose video as well as how diverse, how friendly, how welcoming everyone is. I've talked to a lot of students, incoming students, and they're like, Yeah, one of the reasons why I chose really is because everyone is so like nice and kind and helpful. So we I'm really happy that we have that rep. Teachers know your name, and you get really good relationship with the professor. I hope that you learned a lot about Whittier and being a poet. I hope that you guys can watch my other videos and learn more. I love my school, and I hope that I'm able to see you on campus soon.