Sahila: The Infamous Burritos of Pacific

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Hi, everyone. My name is Sahila Shah. I'm a current sophomore. I studying Marketing at the Eberhardt School of Business. And today I feel like I'm in a dream. But I'm going to be trying out burritos, specifically vegetarian breakfast burritos at our school. And it's been a whole year and two months since I've tried it again. So I really, really am excited. This is the burrito, and I'll be taking a couple bites and giving you my personal opinion about it. I'm pretty biased, and I really I'm gonna love it, but still, I'll give you more in depth ranking. Okay, so here it is. I won't eat the whole thing. I want to, but I'll save you from that embarrassment, but I'll eat it later. You have to really eat it all. But it's great. Um, wonderful. I give it a 10 out of 10. So I have another burrito by the Dean of Students Rhonda Bryant. And I'm really excited because I went on lunch with her once, so I'm already biased, but I'm gonna give it another try. Yeah, this has eggs, Tater tots, cheese and some salsa. So it's a bit different from the first one. And I love salsa and burritos, so I definitely give this a 10 out of 10. But I have another burrito to try by Randi Holguin. She is our current ASuop President and one of my close friends on campus, and I'll be trying out her burrito. The only difference is she added beans. So there's eggs, cheese, beans and tater tots. I'm loving the beans. So I would give this a nine out of 10? Definitely with some salsa maybe it will probably get a bit more, but this is nevertheless great. I will scarf it down in five seconds. I'll do that after the video. Hi, I am Eric Orosco. I'm a copywriter for University of Pacific. I'm stepping in to have a burrito recommended by Kevin Pontuti. He asked for a extra crispy tortilla. There's a lot going on in this burrito. Like there's so much happening. We've got veggies. We've got a little bit salsa. I believe some sour cream in there. Um, producers, there's sour cream? Correct. Okay. The sour cream stuff. I normally wouldn't put in. But this is a complex burrito for a complex man, I think, and I'm gonna give it seven out of 10 stars. Yeah, Thank everyone for watching.