Sahila: My Transition to College at UOP

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Hello, everyone. My name is Sahila Shah, and I'm currently a sophomore at University of the Pacific. I use she/her pronouns, and I am studying marketing in our Eberhardt School of Business. Um, so today, in this video, I'll be taking you along my academic journey, talking about why I selected marketing and also talking more about our business school, so we can start with it. So I chose marketing because I've realized in high school I did a lot of leadership activities. A lot of online graphics, word to mouth type of promotions and also just normal advertisements. And I realized how much I enjoyed coming up with unique ideas, even planning and just overall, you know, making giving a fun and amazing experience to the local peers that I had. So at Pacific, we have an amazing Eberhardt School of Business, and it's also ranked top 1% in the country. And I realized how many resources I could access by taking this concentration. For example, we have an amazing alumni network. They always come back to Pacific, especially during recruitment season. So when it's October, even September, they have "meet the firms" where a lot of firms come and try to recruit our Pacific students and you get one on one interactions with the recruiters. Um, also alumni network. So if you go on LinkedIn, you connect with alumni. They can talk to you about their experiences and their current positions. I've networked a lot with our alumni on LinkedIn. And I was able to get more authentic and transparent conversations with them in regards to professionalism, networking, just any advice that I can, you know really need as I go on with my academic journey. Um, some of the coolest classes I've taken were actually marketing already. I've taken the intro to marketing class, which really opened my eyes to what marketing really is. And it's more than just advertisement. That class taught me about how to talk to consumers, how to make sure that consumers are not dissatisfied and how to really get that one on one interactions with your audience, which are technically your consumers. I could go on forever about that class, but I'm taking two more marketing classes currently, one is a marketing research class where I get to plan really great questionnaires to do some more marketing research, and I am taking international marketing, which is one of my favorites at the moment. I'm multi-lingual. So it's an amazing class for me to get more in depth knowledge about international countries. Uh, negotiations and foreign countries, laws and policies, political risk, all these fun topics that I'm already introduced to. What other things are there about marketing? Well, I've, uh, the coolest thing about marketing is you can work in any department and have marketing experiences. It's not very limited at all. You can be a pre-pharmacy student, and you're like a leader for your club. So you're already doing marketing, recruitment. Ah, lot of these promotions that obviously are not really pre-pharm, but you're trying to get more folks into your club. Currently, I work for the arts and entertainment team, so I get to do a lot of, um, not a lot of marketing. My position is slightly different, but I think the day it's social media, it's word of mouth, it's how do I get more folks to attend our meetings? Um, so, yeah, our business school does offer a lot of cool resource is, and as a sophomore, I've gotten very good hands on those resources, and one thing I want to end off by saying is coming to Pacific, I was very scared because I felt like I wasn't ready for college classes, stress, you know, all those midterm seasons. I was very scared of those things. But I've realized even within freshman year I took a easy workload or took a lighter workload, and which really helped me tremendously, because I had an amazing adviser that recommended I take it slow. I have four years to make up my classes. So I took it slow, had some free time to myself, got over some of that imposter syndrome and then slowly but gradually I was able to get more upper division classes and get more accustomed to the college lifestyle. So to all those seniors out there who are very scared for college or just who tend to overthink a lot because that's one thing I do a lot, I over think so much, my biggest advice is, um, take it light and no matter what major you are, I know I talked a lot about marketing, but this could go for any concentration any major, Any specific study, eyes that take it slow if you can. And really, really take advantage of those resources. Throughout my other videos, I will be talking about amazing resources at Pacific. But today I hope you really enjoy this video and hopefully got something out of my testimonial. It was nice seeing you, and I hope we can connect again