Rakiye Tries to Find Her Way through the Tunnels (and gets lost a lot)

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The entire campus is pretty much connected through underground tunnels except for the library. The apex That's the gym in recreational center and student life building. Oh, so you can use the tunnels to get to class if it's really cold outside. Or, I mean, I didn't even know the tunnels were a thing until I think, like last year, and I've been going there since I was. Since twenty fifteen, I found out from one of my friends who found out from one of their friends who found out from one of his friends. So I guess the only way to find out about this is if you have a friend who knows, because I don't know anyone who, like I learned about it from the tour or from a professor or something, they're usually empty. I guess most people don't know about them or they've never been through here. Haven't ever actually have been down here by myself before. I'm going to try Tio, get to Carmine under here about myself right now in the tunnels underneath the old gym building. I'm going to try to get to Carmen, which it's all there on the other side of campus we'LL see how that goes. My bad. My bad. I didn't even see that sign. Definitely going the right way now it's just too creepy vibe. I remember I just watched us a few weeks ago and I still have the guts to come down here by myself.