Academic Quad.mp4

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I'm standing in the center of Eastman Quad, which is pretty much the academic quality here on campus. So all around we have buildings where you have a lot of classrooms. So if you're taking a class, it's most like gonna be in one of these buildings. Here, for example, is do we haul this the place where have my economics lecture and also have my debate team meetings. I really have class in there, but I know they host weekend activities such as showcasing movies and stuff like that. So that's usually a town where I'll go inside. They hear I believe they're the optics building. I can't really tell you much about that as I am not taking any optics classes over there. We have the Russians library such a great place for anything. You probably find them groceries and red ner Laboratory believe that's what's called. We have computer labs and little stuff like that and just a lot of other buildings here on campus. If you would take classes right here in the Eastman Academic.