Queen Anne's House

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Tonight I'll be showing you a traditional double. So here I keep my socks on Rose and just have my teacher is parents. I'm here to test the just thing somebody knows. You sure you want your first? Countries, we don't get much. So how you pay is partner tuition, so we don't actually coins or slept or anything. You just put your choose what's a little cycle temperature in the store, just for thirty minutes. There's only two floors and grand, so girls on the first floor was on the second floor on each floor has a different launcher. I live in a traditional double, and I was on the first war codes. Females is all on the first floor, and it's very cozy. It's personally I really like that one first or because you want to walk up and down the stairs older, but I really enjoy it. Honestly, Some people say that the room is really small, but I think that they put everything perfectly well, and I think it's comfortable and a good size, so very happy with my room. I think we have a really, really good house that we live in so well. I also forgot to mention that the Queen Anne's house is a speciality house. So peace Acquittal of England's means that drug and alcohol Free house and being said, Um, it's the wellness building, so we have a elliptical and analytical and our common room for people who want to work out a lot like fitness. See? So that's what Queen Hands is all about, and you'll see later that there's other houses in the freshman style that our specialty housing. So it's very easy to like me, people who have the same common interests as you.