PRE MED Major interview - brutally honest

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T. So I'm gonna give you one for you guys. Which can I ask you a few questions about being on time. So just introduce yourself and like, why did you choose? I'm you on. I'm a year at school and I am a neuroscience major minor and I toast school because it's good. It's good answered so, like what was How do you explain, like the student body and like stereotypes? Very kind of threw a lot of Japs, but job equals a Jewish American princess. I've met a lot of great people like Renee, and I really like. I thought I wouldn't, but I like all right, how would you like it? Described the academic climate like Clear Major. Like what's like the workload for you, a classroom dynamics size with classroom stuff like that, Classes are really depending on you. Like probably like a thousand kids come in here thinking they're going to be doctors, and it literally just funnels and get smaller and smaller throughout the years on one of them. How many people do you think? Like we'll end up actually being doctors? That's like a hard question. So it's time for a sign of people who come in thinking they'll be doctors will actually end up being daughters. Think ten is like one of the most rigorous science programs in New York. We, like, get better grades for now and where our public schools. So that's like definitely something that's so like be brutally honest. What are some pros of Binghamton? Um, what are like cons that you wish? The pros. I like how, like going out is China very easy and it's fun. What else? To be honest, there's not a lot of progress. Girls are just in the way and very hard to make girls. If you're a girl like, it's probably the hardest school Teo friends that are genuine here. If you're not like planning on joining a sorority, you're gonna have a tough time. Yeah, it's not that big here, but they think it's a big deal that think they're better than everybody. Actually, last year I didn't get along with my roommate, so I moved into Mom's room. So it was really easy for me to just transfer in. It's really common for freshmen, so just keep that in mind. Like even if you think you're gonna love your roommate, you may not, but you can move out like you. So what would you think like different from It is really nice here. The storms are very I don't There's other campuses. Um what would you like? What advice would you give to your high school yourself? Work harder. Might forget that's like asked a lot of like upper classmen. About what? Healthy photo by Just like plan out what you want.