Places to Visit at WSU

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So if this was an in person to her, we would want to look at some notable areas on campus. This is the first one called the Mall the Moss to believe the busiest part of campus as is the center. It also houses the cub, which is the tsunami in building the library and some common academic buildings. That's all in addition to our new art museum. So not only does the cub have a lot of like lounge area, it also has a long study areas. It's most known for the bookie, which Isa, Starbucks and Apple Store and like school supplies. Then it also has a food court with different food places. My favorite to go Teo is freshens, which has smoothies and frozen yogurt and that sort of thing. If we had down the hill from the mall, we arrived Martin Stadium and the Cougar statue, which I think is the most photographed places, far as abuse to stoop to her skill. Then if you had south from the stadium, you get to the heart statue and the skybridge is which is the main room transportation for students who live on the Southside in Gannon, Goldsworthy or Libya.