Welcome to Washington State University!

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I'm a sophomore at Washington State University, and I'm don't majoring in English and journalism and meet your production and mining in digital technology culture. So I chose Washington State University, primarily for the major and for the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication. Houthis is broadcast production, so I get to do what I love and I get to study it. I'm gonna be writing is to write for the day, so let's get started. So my advice for incoming freshman, I'm going to any college, not just Washington State University would be to try new things that you want usually gravitate towards. Putting yourself out there is scary, but usually things that are worthwhile are not easy. So I would recommend trying a bunch of different clubs. The beginning ofyour like school here you don't usually try. I've been trying a lot of them, so you could figure out where you fit and where your place is on campus. I would also recommend introducing yourself to your purest of people in class. People you walk by just people that you get a good vibe from, you think could be in your care could be a potential like friend or acquaintance. Um, so just being like, hey, my name's Aidan, what's yours is always a great start. The third thing that I don't think is worth like very often talked about is introducing yourself to your professors and help out valuable that Khun B, because developing relationships were professors, at least for me, has really enriched my college experience. Having relationships with your professors can provide you with job opportunities and connections as well as having that reliable person to go to for advice. I know for me, When I was a freshman, I was like, Oh, my gosh, my parents aren't here and I ws you specifically It's a college town. So there's you know, college is the town, which means there's a lot of young people and not a lot of older people. So it was really nice to have to know that I had adults that I could rely on and go to.