Penfield Library

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Okay, so we're currently in the Penfield library. Some cool things about the library is that there is the rating center, the tutoring center, quick print, and the third floor is the completely quiet for we also have a twenty four hour room. So if you need to print something out like it happens to be ten thirty at night and you're like, Oh, man, I forgot to print out my homework for tomorrow. You can go straight there at any time of the day, locked into computer and print it out a lot like shit him in this building while the printer drives are on the website. So you can hook up those printers to your computer and be able to print off of your own computer. Like the other buildings, this is one of the buildings. Being here and talking right now isn't weird, but here will show you some other parts of the library. Here is a quiet area, so obviously can't talk in there. In the quiet study floor, these things called study corrals. Basically, you come in on like the first day of the semester front desk. Get this in addition to like where your room key is in everything and it looks like this and basically what it is, it's. It gives you a little spot rations study in a quiet place at any time, so it's nice if you want to, like, do homework in a silent place, it doesn't here. Close how one other all of these books can be checked out the library for doing a research project. Let me tell you, it's such a nice thank you coming up here and finding a book is period interesting because they have, like three different numbers on here. So once you get a book out, you can have it for the duration of the semester special when it comes to research books, so make sure you do that.