My International MBA Experience at IE with George

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My name is George and I'm part of the september 2021 International NBA. Otherwise known as the MBA. To quickly run you through what the MBA is like. As you can see, we're basically about 262 180 students from All over the world. The diversity is around 90-93%. Basically you get to meet people from all fields or countries and all sorts of experiences and educational fields. I'm in a work room right now there's a screen for us to connect and share our work on and as you can see, there's enough place for about 8-10 people. So the MBA is divided into four periods, which is basically the first term, second term, the lab period as well as your elective spirit. Over the course of these four terms, you get all sorts of experiences. You've learned subjects, you give exams, but at the same time you participate in labs and you take electives that are not core subjects.