My Friend Thomas Talks about Theatre

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I'm here with my friend Thomas in the red doors in the basement of seekers, and he's going to talk to you a little bit about our theater department and specifically, the audition process and just like the show process and who runs it? Who's in it. So hi, I'm Thomas, a freshman here at Muhlenberg. I'm from the great Early Valley area, so I'm pretty close to home here. So what's great about Muilenburg is absolutely anybody could be a theater major, and anyone can audition for the shows here. You're also not barred as a freshman for auditioning for shows. You can get into a main stage production from your freshman year, which is really, really cool. What's really great about Malin Berg is you don't have to audition to get into the program. You can audition for a theater scholarship, which is a great way to get some extra cash for school. Like I said, anybody conversion for shows anyone could be a theater major. Now, when it comes to the shows themselves, we usually have three main like seasons. We have our studio productions, and then we have our red door play festival, and they happen every semester. The main stage shows are the biggest one's the most well known shows, and they're usually have a lot of faculty involvement. Studio shows are usually student run and student directed, and then the red door show Red Door Play Festival is a huge festival dedicated to anyone, and everyone wants to audition and come out. Another really cool thing is, if you're interested in directing, one of the best ways to break into it is direct a red door. They're usually ten to fifteen minutes long, and anyone could directed, no matter your experience, and that's so we're actually in the red door right now. It's basically this big lounge in the bottom of Segers, and a lot of time people use it for studying. There's like a guy over here setting, so it's simply a low key quiet environment. Turn the camera so, like overhears the stage and you would perform up here and then people, the audience it like over here in the seat. You know, the shows were still taken very seriously, and they get a good turnout. Um, another important thing is a freshman is you will do a lot of auditions. You will do so money and you know you will get into shows, but you definitely have to work for it. I just audition during the first Master, and I did twenty six, and I didn't even do the acapella group politicians. So a lot of great experience, and it definitely teaches you how to audition. Yeah, what's really cool here is because you can be as involved or as not involved as you really wish. So get out there and give it your all and see what happens. There's so many opportunities here, like they're over fifteen red door place done per semester. That's not even talking about the many studio and main stage productions that have done every semester. Speaking of studio productions, The studio Black box theater is usually where they're done. Then we have the MP and Baker Theater, which are the biggest leaders on campus, which we usually reserved for the main stage productions. That's a little bit about the department.