Moving to Study abroad: London, UK

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Do you know what day I rose? Do you know me? You're leaving? I leave in. Today is a day that I'm going to London for my study abroad year. Say bye to Daisy and tell her to have an awesome trip. Just dropped off my siblings at school, and we're picking three of them up later. She has an important soccer thing later, and I want Ellen is my favorite place to go on ahead it, But they have really good guys. We're gonna get some lunch virus here and Daphne here. Can I mean, I didn't, but you're on a dedicated athlete like that. Scared way went to Georgetown, cupcake, and we got a bunch and I have mine over here. I'm gonna eat at the airport because I'm, like, so full from lunch. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night having a really weird dream. I feel like I never went into, like, full sleep. I'm gonna eat at the airport around your familiar faces. Then I took a shuttle with people from my university to the hall. I'll do a tour like a dorm for actually when things get set up. Stuff like that may be ableto whole eventually, but probably not. I'm gonna go in and it right here, because all I'm gonna do is just a box of stuff happening, even though I'm so tired. So systems us coming down below your big part of the video and Elsie time like home.