Mikaila breaks down the Emory Social Life

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Since memories a relatively small school are Greek life scene isn't as big a sum of the huge state schools like USC or UNC and things of that sort. We still do have a really solid Greek presence on campus. We have some different sororities and fraternities, all of which you can rush, enjoying your freshman or sophomore or junior year. All the authorities have lodges, and it's a really great time. I mean, Greek life isn't for everybody, so if you're into it, I'd say Go for it. I like the social outlet and I really like the girls and I'm with you. There are a lot of different social options on campus to. I mean, you could just stay on campus and have a good time with your friends, or you can go out to our neighborhood. Bar and Grill called Maggie is which is totally a dive bar. You have to go at least once in your four years of memory. Some of the more popular bars where the adults go and locals. It's a huge mix of people, so it makes it a really good time. The Emery presence there is definitely a remarkable autonomous Lovett Autonomous go every weekend. I mean it's Atlanta There so many fun things to do in Atlanta. Different kinds of concerts and museums and outdoor activities in places that you can go and parks and all that good stuff, so you really can not get bored.