Elizabeth shows her friends and her hangout area

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So I'm with my friends here in our favorite place to hang out and their names are still Hannah and you see so lush in the background right here. We're in the common area common area of our floor, which is populated, please, for people to study and relax, eat and chill. One of my other videos, she was walking with me around campus, so yeah, she's gonna introduce herself. Okay, I'm here and I'm an elementary at Major, also a Peabody, and I must. So since I am in arson science student, I gave you guys a lot of information about arts and science. So what is key body on? Peabody's the like education and like humanity's kind of sort of side of Commander Bill. It's like like pretty high, highly ranked amongst like schools like, for example, it's like number four in America right now for elementary education. It's known to have, like, really like, good like inclusivity programs such as the Susan Grey Preschool, which is located on our campus in between Peabody and Main campus. Do you have anything else to add? And, like grad programs are like like a lot of grad students, like for one of my cause. Out of listen to vote men like grad students we actually work with like, wasn't meant instant flavour like education related institutes laid like calming and light. Attend the class and add more information based on their experience. So I really help us like an underground to see that like what kind of path you would eventually go. Then just adding more information based on I love it data and in style is also an international student. Anything different about your experience here at Vandy? She went to international school in Korea. So if she's not, um, like super separated from like, American American culture and language culture wise, I mean, for like one thing you have to come in early. Yeah like, there's like a separate or intention for international school. Like, you come like a week before everybody else like it's just like if you extra time to, like, get adjusted to. Please, like if you bring no phone, you like, it's a very you have to find like you have to go to Like the associate was student life sunder, which is like really far away. Um, your orientation week here, it's pretty hectic and, like, events go on for the next couple of weeks as well. I think it's interesting that all three of us were like, you know, we're on the same floor in the same house, but we all had three different like first experiences with Andy because she had to come in a week early for, um, international rotation. I came in, like, three days early because I did a medium version, which is something that you can apply for, um, before your freshman year, where you can become like early on, immersed in student media, and then which can, like, really better for you when you want. If you want to pursue that even after me immersion and you also like, since you get to move in early, you get the perk of, like getting kicks where the campus without other people being around as much because you couldn't, like, go and, like, look for buildings and stuff on your own. Eso like something special that Mandy does on the first day on Moving day is like the upperclassmen will come for you. You kind of pull up your car in the little circle area where the dorms are and they unload. And, um, you are suitcases, your packages everything and put them up to your room. It's pretty cool because it makes you feel at home right away. Um, yeah, w r view, which is not the vans deliver you, but it's the older station. We tend to play more of the, like, thie underground tracks. I kind of skipped past that and just go straight into the radio, which is very like, interesting for me, because that's a whole nother community of people that I get to interact with that I wouldn't have otherwise. So even if it's not something you want to pursue it as a career, there are a lot of stuff to char out around campus. With the first week just kind of like knock on people's doors and introduce yourself because that's how I met these two lovely young ladies. I kind of just like, went to their room and was like, not knocked on their door and opened the door and was like, Hi, guys, My name's Willis. So some people who just like, leave their doors open for you to like, come in, Yeah, and you always have an ar e on your form whose willing to talk to you any time, so it's a pretty friendly community. So there are a couple tables where we're actually sitting at one of the tables there, a couple so fun. So it's really nice to children, you know, there's like a white port. Yeah, there's a white board on the side there, and, uh, there were saying by the window. So we're actually looking afraid of Crawford, right? It's kind of dark out, but we're across from Crawford. We're just looking out and then like the IRA's like, also right there. Like, if you really do need anything right, the IRA room has a lot of like, It's the one with the white sign. So right across from the common area and super easy to access. Great to have you guys in my video, make sure you check out my other ones what?