Meet Nife!

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My name is Nefesh Order and currently a senior at Washington State University Home and steady neuroscience, with the whole becoming a physician scientist. I am also a transfer student care at W s u Parliament ws you Pullman is home to about 20,000 undergraduate students, of which about 2000 of those students are international students. So I moved to the U S in January of 2017 and I'm here now talking to you about myself and why I just w s u and why you should too. You just by virtue of living in Spokane, W s U has about six satellite campuses in cities and towns across Washington state, including Pullman and squeaky in when she's in the college. So I really didn't want to have to travel far away from home to go to school. So the second factor I take into consideration When I was choosing the college, I wanted to transfer to the My major. So I wanted to major in neuroscience and neuroscience program at W S. U is truly phenomenal and you see why later. Really ring is such a remarkably complex Oregon and some might call my love for neuroscience and the brain and obsession. Also the field of neuroscience is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary. The integrative physiology and neuroscience program within the college of that med at W S, U and Pohlmann truly reflect that within this department, you can actually find faculty members who are chemists who are biologists who are psychologists, who are physicists and, of course, neuroscientists who are all contributing. You know, you think perspectives to the field of neuroscience. So the third factor that I took into consideration when she was in the college I wanted to transfer to would be that I was looking for a campus that encourages undergraduate independent research at a very broad level, and this was critical for me because I was looking for mentorship opportunities. Also I was looking for opportunities to be able to disseminate my research thio the broader scientific community. So like I mentioned before, my career goal is to become a physician scientist and for contacts. The physician scientist is basically doctor who practices medicine and simultaneously does scientific investigation or research. You can tell that it's important for me to be able to demonstrate that I am committed to research and to also have a productive research experience during my undergraduate career to be able to apply to this competitive programs. So I'll tell you know that 25% of seniors who graduate from W. S. U report having done research with faculty. So it's really not uncommon to see undergraduate students who have co authored publications in scientific journals here are ws you speaking of productive research experiences. I am currently affiliated with two research labs here means I have two amazing research mentors. One of them is on the spooky in campus within the LCS Floyd College of Medicine and the other amazing mentor is in Pullman within the Department of Neuroscience, and I have had such an amazing experience in the two years I've been involved in research. So my experience as an undergraduate researchers really allowed me to prepare myself for a career as a physician scientist. So whether it's studying sleep disturbances and fruit fly models of neurodegenerative diseases, too, studying the effects of endogenous leptin in the brain, I've really been able to gain the skills and techniques that I need. Thio, you know, ask critical questions that will directly influence my future patients treatment regimen, which is you know what I want. Oh my God, how can I not talk about money? So I also was looking for a campus that would wear it Scholarships of international students and ws. You didn't have scholarships for international students, and then the last one, I would say it would be smaller size, so wdsu isn't exactly small, but it's also not quite large either. So I really wanted you know, the opportunity to be able to build stronger and closer connections with my professors. So I wanted a campus that wasn't too large, that I could have smaller class sizes, which is why I joined the owners college when I moved to W. S. You because the honors college really have never been in a class with Jordan 25 students and that has really allowed me develop close relationships with my professors. If you recall, I mentioned before that I was looking for mentorship opportunities. So when you have smaller class sizes, you're able thio build connections, you're able to get to know your professor and your professor is also it will to get to know you more. So the other thing I So one other thing about ws you that I would like to mention, um which is not necessarily a factor that I considered before transferring. So there were so many opportunities for students to get involved and develop a student leaders and active members of the community on I do not say this lightly because I mean for context, I only transferred to W S U in others of 2019. In my first semester, I was able to apply and become the senator for the college of for My College, which is a college of that medicine. In a little over a year I've really been able to impact my campus in such a meaningful way. I've had the opportunity to meet with school administrators and, you know, organize and implement programs that will benefit me and my fellow goods, and hopefully, you too. I've also had the opportunity to present my research at two national conferences involved in Let's not forget, his strong network have been able to cultivate for myself over the last three semesters since I've been at W. S. U. And when I say network, I'm talking about friends. I'm talking about professors about people who truly want to cease accident, maybe even potential employers. Now I know that she's in Where to spend the next four years of your life can be daunting experience, but I hope that by watching my video, you've been able to learn that your four year college experience is kind of a partnership between you, the student and the school. So the school basically gives you the opportunity to learn the opportunity to grow to mess up, to fail, to succeed, to build friendships, to gain enemies. You, the student, he sees opportunities you put in the work you put in the effort in the imagination and you make those opportunities your own. Find your school that will allow you thio make those opportunities your own.