Meet Neil!

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My name is Neil over Chae Rin, and I'm a student here at Lehman College. So what's your major? But, Major, my major is dietary food contrition. Have you got a way of trying to speak proper English to people like Booth? People are gonna understand what work here at the food pantry that we have a campus life building. I'm a senior now, So this is my last semester Here is about to graduate from, but they're hungry. Well, the reason why I have chosen right come was the word looking for I literally lived sixty minutes away. So I guess I picked it because it's close to my heart being completely on. He used to go to Broad. So eighty college. Security kun transferred to Hyun because most of the credits transferred, and then they had a really nice dietary food and nutrition program. Yeah, I'm waiting until my associates and then I came over here. Can it be like St Expensive? Really? It's way cheaper to go to the seaside and weirdo. That's fine, because I was going to come directly here, like as a freshman. Yeah, it's way cheaper, especially for an international to end. What do you What do you say? The student body here is like at Lehman. And also there's Africans there in the end. I mean, I didn't micro Vilas, you Violet the chemistry which got the end. But I mean, like like be us ferrous possible. Like just given example, I graduated here from BCC with a two point two GPS, which is very side by Over the two years that I've been here, my should take my GPS from two point to tow a three point one seven five. That's like that's a That's a big improvement like lasting mastermind. Yeah, so yeah, that classes are definitely not easy, but manageable. What makes Liam in? Different from other campuses? I always say what makes Lehman from different from other campuses is the fact that there's so much going on here. Doing your required Kostya is that there's so many clubs. Personally, I've been I've been a treasure of up. Our magazine club on campus, currently the CEO of up Secure. I'm vice president of the club, and I'm also the treasure currently of Spot, which is another car, so there's a lot of things to get in. Yes, spot actually is a club for like here here I'm students who are parents. There's always something going on that I was free food. Let's just put it all right If I was even that where you go like today there is Cali. Waving Carnaval is the spring Carnival Spring carnival Where sound free Yeah. So that size the one thing that sets Lehman aside from our college, there's so much offered here. So I'll be graduating with a year experience in my field. Plus, I was my I was able to do my internship at the food pantry. Wait, My fight's a fight right now is keep doing what you're doing. That's what I'll say because I've done a lot here because because of working at the food pantry of my guy, like gone on TV and coming on use child seven Fox, you have whatever the news It was you I was I went on conferences that we had to go away and stay for the whole weekend just fine. I've been on radios on interviews for other local news stations. Most importantly, I have been able to help other students who are suffering from food security, make a difference and make a change. Like I said, my advice to my senior service, You're doing what you're doing. Hopefully can do stuff like this even after I graduate. Honestly, even though being very honest, I don't want to leave. I'm looking for master program here so I could stay.