Mason talks about WSU's campus and traditions

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Today I'm gonna be talking about ws use campus and our tried and true school traditions. First I'm going to let my friend Avery tell you about his favorite Cougar traditions. I'm a junior at WCO, and I'm currently in the marketing program. So I think WCS campus is really unique and one of those reasons being the fact that there's pretty much anything you could possibly need in about a 15 minute walking distance. Uh, there's writing and study help in the library and then the writing center. There's all kinds of different entertainment just scattered around campus. Then another reason is because you get to experience all four seasons on campus, so you get a really hot summer, and that kind of cools down in the fall of it. You can do a lot of football games super fun, and then in the winter time it's really snowy. There's all kinds of different snow activities and then in the spring, kind of warms back up a bit. So there's all kinds of memorable campus traditions. I'm just going to name a couple of them there's alive. You get to learn a lot about campus to kind of see how things work. There's always a concert going on, and then just in general, there's all kinds of different concerts and activities that are constantly going on around campus. So I like to describe the W student body that's just being one big family. No matter what, you're gonna be treated the same if your freshman if your senior. Thanks for sharing Every W shoe is unique campus because of its location in Pullman, Washington, small town that is solely focused on the college. This has been one of my favorite parts about being a student at W issue, because the campus feels like home with gorgeous views of rolling golden hills for as far as the eye can see. Cotton candy sunsets, all to be seen from the campus, is red brick buildings. These include Parents Weekend, which is always a great time for families to reconnect and make friends with fellow kooks. Can't forget to mention the concerts at basically called C Um, my personal favorite traditions are the ones that surround our sports, getting up early on Saturday morning to get the best seats and Martin Stadium for the first football game of the year, enthusiastically shouting Go Cougars to everyone you pass in town. It's one big crimson and gray family, but none of this would be possible without the students who are always happy to lend a hand to a fellow. Coogan need serving smiles and waves to visitors and always loud and proud of their school. W shoe is so special because of all the students being happy to be there because coupes have coupe's. I hope this information was helpful and is always go cubes.