LMU Landmarks Part 2!

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Hey, guys, you know I'm gonna tour you around some campus memories right here. We have the fountain outside of fully, which is a pretty iconic view as well. I believe we had a Halloween festival where green was the color and then also what Hispana is. When it's your birthday, your friends will throw you into the sound. We'll sing Happy Birthday to you maybe get using Take it. I'm about to take you to a hidden gem spot on campus of Get Hype. These stairs lead to the roof of the life sciences building, which is gorgeous at night, but it's also super pretty during the day. Here we are So this place is kind of like a mini version of the bluff. You overlook all of the school buildings so there's believe my acting class and there's fully annex where I have diversity and oh, look, there's tahini where I live. As you can see, there's all of L A back there so you can kind of see the blood. So the roof of the life sciences building is really pretty during the day. At night you can come up here to study with friends or by yourself. If you want a quiet place that's outside, so not the library, you get a lot of sun up here. If you want to come up here at night, it's really pretty, like with your significant other or whatever, But they have security cameras, so don't do anything scandalous. Kids, it's just really pretty and a good place to talk. Yeah, I come here sometimes if I want to get away from everything, As you can see, there are many stairs leading up to it, so it's quite a hike. People come here to exercise, too, because there's somebody stares over here in the East Quad is the Deja Vue movie lounge. It's actually right next to dokey Me, which is really nice if you live there. This week it looks like it's gonna be a mid nineties. So there's kind of always the time you could go because it's twice a day from Thursday to Saturday. What's even more cool about having your own movie beat on campus is that all these movies are free. So you come out like a month after the actual movie comes out in the theaters in the city. You don't really have to pay for a lot of the big movies because they're pretty popular on you. If it's a popular, maybe like infinity words was hacked. Right over here behind Second Gardens is the lion stone, and the line stone is the student run campus coffee shop. It's great in the mornings there open pretty early every day.