LMU Landmarks Part 1!

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It's time to check out some que vous landmarks like the bluff, the chapel and sunken gardens. This is Sunken gardens where we had our annual fall festival follow Appaloosa. This is one of the most iconic news of Ellen you. It's a pretty central part of campus, technically in the heart of campus, isn't it? He comes here every Sunday with me. Naturally, the bluff is the most iconic spot of Ellen knew because of this amazing view. Honestly, you can come here whenever you want, beginning of the day to clear your mind. Or if you're stressed out just to humble yourself. Honestly, it's really humbling because it reminds you how small you are in this grand scheme of life. Because you have the entire vibrant city out there and you can come at night with your friends. It's just really great to spend time with people up here or sit by yourself. You could see all the lights of the city, which also show you in just a second. Carter, where we're going now? Yeah, the bluff at sunset lets get it. As you can see, it looks a lot different than in the morning. So you can see a lot of people like to come to the bluff at Sunset. Photoshoots are just to watch it happen because it's really beautiful. Here's the moment you've all been waiting for the bluff at night. I'm so grateful that we have This is also a really good romantic spot. No, I've never, ever fallen safe at night on this campus as a girl, so that's great.