LMU Dorm Room Tour Part 3!

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So here L. A new fans are super important, especially at the beginning of the year. I each have a big fan, and then I have my own mini fan, which I put on my bed every night because I tend to get pretty warm, even on the coolest days, because this is California and I'm from Michigan. The temperature is going to be pretty decent. The beds aren't even that bad, like you get used to them. Some people say they're better than their bets at home, which is really great. I guess when you first arrived in the fall, it's super hot. I know it's going to get warmer, but honestly, the temperature hasn't been bad. It doesn't really get cold. I know my roommate wanted one because she's from California. So as Faras housing goes, there are three options for freshman right now, So I live in DOA. Heaney, which is the honor storm. The rooms are a little bit smaller here, but you do have the perk of a sink in your room. It's kind of like a place of bonding because you see so many people there and you have the showers and everything, so it's not bad at all. So there are the holes of Desmond, Rosecrans, Whalen, Delray South and don't write North. The Del Rays also have fans, so those ones are not us hot. Like if you want a big place than you'll go to the Del Rays, it's really competitive to get those, Um, and then Rose. Then does Menendez all girls everything else's coed besides Hughesmen. That's each squad's and those ones all have very spacious rooms. They also have no sinks in the room, which is a bummer. Freshmen don't really can't really live in the apartments on campus as Faras I know, so it's pretty chill and you get to know a lot of people. There are two more dorms in East Quad, so my Doremus and he's quad. But they're tearing this down next year, so I don't know if that's relevant to you. There are two other dorms, so you're not just like alone in East Quad, but freshman land all those other dorms I mentioned. That's where everyone else is hanging out in dough. You don't get to know a ton of people outside of Doki. Ni slash honors unless you're involved in other things because you're not in freshman land all the time. Freshman Land is where there's Pizza Hut in seventeen eighty eight and a convenience store, so it's a pretty show place, and that's closer to the bluff is well, so if you're wanting to get to know a great variety of people, then you'll want to live in one of those storms. You can still get to know people find any squad. It's totally cool.