LMU Buildings Tour!

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We have the school of film and television, where I spend most of my time. Just ahead is the communications building, where there are also film classes and a theater. When you enter the fear, then we have these posters outside of new movies and just movies that are gonna be showing her around campus. I can't take you into the future right now because there's a class going on, but it's pretty nice. It's not very big, but it's perfect for a lecture hall. As you can see, there are a lot of Andren ship opportunities here for anything, really, for whatever your major is. I also have a class in the basement of this building, which was my production one, the one class. That's where we've got about ten kids, and we all took a different role on set every week. So I was director producer of boom operator et cetera, and that class was a very fun, and I feel like the window. Why up here we have University Hall, otherwise known as U Haul. So in you hold, We haven't Einstein's where you can get coffee and bagels. We have Ross Keys, the dining hall that has nicer food, then the layer you can also eat outside, which is really fun, especially when it's this sunny out. You've reached the fourth floor, where you could definitely see just how humongous this building is. U Haul is basically the place where a lot of liberal arts classes will take place because it is massive, so as four floors. This is also the place where you get your mail and the distribution centers downstairs, which is where you pick up your mail and packages. Students also use these chairs and this couch to take naps, which I'm going to do right now. There's an Einstein's where you can get bagels, coffee and stuff like that. I'm pretty sure I heard it was like point three miles or something, so yeah, you could definitely get a good workout here. So as you can see, they're escalators here because of the four floors. That's also where they talked about service organizations, which I'll tell you a little bit about. So service organizations are like fraternities and sororities, except they do more service. So you have requirements of how much service you have to do for months based on which service organization it is. We also have Greek life, but it's no big deal if you're not into so over here we have the full. This building is where my active box takes place, and I'm probably gonna have a lot more classes from here because I'm adding a theatre minor, most likely. So there's also a feeder inside of here, which is very big, and that's where a lot of students shows our health.