Keegan - University of Mississippi

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I'm from not so Tennessee, and I am currently a junior at the University of Mississippi. Also known is Illness, and I'm majoring in international studies with a minor in Spanish and focus in Latin America and social and cultural identity In addition to school. I'm also Young Life Leader Alafaya High School here in Oxford and a pure educator for sexual assault on the Ole Miss campus. So there's a few things to help you get to know a little bit more about me. Um, because of those things, college has been one of the most amazing, rewarding, yet challenging experiences of my life. Uh, these past few months, especially with Corona thank quarantine, have brought about some new challenges. Have a semester was a lot harder than I expected is really difficult Teoh study and get stuff done when you are not in a learning environment. Um, there's no one else in my house going to school. My dog would come zoom class with me sometimes, but anyway, so it's really hard to focus. I think one day I spent like two hours on this website online jobbing, and I didn't even buy anything. I just added stuff to the car cause I got to the end and I was like, I'm not making any money. Um, but one thing that was super cool about having all that time by myself was that that I think that was the most I've slept in forever. Um, I never When you're in school, you're doing things, going to meetings and clubs and classes and the grocery store and wherever you're going and you're not really how much, Um especially me. So I never really gave myself time to rest or sit or relax during school thing. So that's one thing that I really kind of embraced over this quarantine is taking time to myself. However that may look for you, I'd encourage you to do that because you can't really go anywhere right now. Um, just however, self care licks for you something else have gotten into is cooking because, like I said, not at home during school. Also done a lot of yoga and Pallotti's I don't know. Um, this time is different is a unique time, and so take advantage of it. Um, I think it's funny that those things that I was doing because when I first heard we weren't going back to school, I was like, Oh, extended spring break like I can you hang out with my friends and I get do whatever I was gonna dio and then Corentin hit and I was like, Oh, her mind. I guess I'll just stay inside here and do yoga, which I actually ended up loving. Um, even though we're kind of getting out of this time of quarantine, things were starting to open back up. There are still a lot of things that aren't gonna change on, and I don't think you're gonna change for a while. Here in Oxford, we start to wear masks in all public spaces. Um, it's late June and we're still doing that. I don't think it's gonna end soon, because come on. When students are coming back, a lot of new people are coming. When students come back toe Oxford, it doubles in population. Um, and we're almost half out of state, so a lot of potential for germs spread. So if you're coming toe, miss, I think will be wearing masks. If you go to any other school, it's a good chance you will be doing that. Something else that's new is that, um they just told us that we're not gonna be coming back for the fall after Thanksgiving taking our finals before which I'm interested to see other looks, but kind of exciting. So if you're watching this, um, and you're in high school or whatever, there's a good chance that college is not gonna like how you anticipated. Um, I think one thing that we all kind of need to learn essentially myself is to not be so resistant to change. Look at the positive side of things, because why would you make things worse for yourself? If you have the If you have the option to look on the bright side of things, I would, you know. So that's one thing I encourage all to do is just take time yourself, find the good little moments in this weird, crazy time. I think it's our responsibility to set a good example and foundation and learn from this for the future generations. Because it is very likely that this will happen again. It's hard to control batteries, so yeah, I just didn't like to encourage you on that.