John’s Introduction to Colgate University

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Hey, my name's John and I'm here to talk about Colgate University. If you're no a rising junior rising senior in high school and you're starting to look at colleges and sort of you stumbled across the name of Colgate University and you don't really know much about it. This is a great introductory video to sort of get the general gist of this sort of crash course. So I guess before I dive in and talk to you about what core get actually is, I think it's so close to learn a little bit about me. I'm a Middle Eastern and Islamic studies major, and I'm a double minor in geography, increasing public studies on campus. I'm voting Record Debate Society, one of the victims. I'm a part of orientation style, and I service communications, interns, Interaction, entrepreneurship, which is our venture incubator program on campus. What attracted me about Colgate when I was looking at schools, I was really looking at a lot of really rigorous academic institutions across the Northeast, And what really attracted Medical Gate Waas sort of resource is that I was able to offer for in size. Colgate is a private liberal arts institution that's located in Hamilton, New York just will really be fact of the geographical center, the state it surrounded by lots of woods and pills. If you haven't had a chance to visit, I highly recommend it to do. Colgate student population is around 3000 undergraduate students. There's one graduate program which is about which is a master of arts in education. So if you're looking to become a teacher as well and you know you're looking at, forget grudges, but we have a great drive department for that. As for undergraduates, we have around 56 majors and nine unique miners. Colgate operates at the division one level of athletics, which is really you need before its eyes were able to compete at the highest level. With such a small population, speaks volumes about the type of students that we attract the level of competition with. Apart from athletics, there's over 200 different clubs and organizations that students enjoy as part of their extracurricular activities, and I know a lot of students, really, if you are into performing arts and sort of other fine arts. So although you might not be going to an art specific school that has a focus on the arts way, definitely have a lot of programs and organizations. If you're willing and interested in that's activity and what I was looking at schools. I sort of doubled and extracurricular activities I have. I played soft in my spare time, so I had some level of out effort, particular involvement. I was an average student, and so I really wanted to challenge myself and really push myself to see what type of school I would be able to get into. The location of Hamilton, where it's located, is actually village. There's around 4000 residents with Village, so Colgate almost out numbers that people there. It's really hard to delineate where Colgate ends and where humble beginnings, because they needed to get into each other so well. Often times you will see the residents of Hamilton actually filling up seats with RINOs within the football stadium actually support the student body. Hamilton wouldn't be Hamilton without for days. It's for four of a village green populated by a farmers market on the weekends. It really has that this quintessential small and it's been raided, one of the so you will always feel at home there, the students on forget are some of the most welcoming and friendly individuals that I've had the opportune, and I have never felt alone, sort of sort of sum up. If you're looking for an academically rigorous institution that has high quality extracurricular activities and sort of an athletic seen a lively athletics, and you just want that small town feel, I would highly are ready to check out a little bit more. You know, even if you are thinking, you know, I really want a big school, I want to be in an urban environment. As soon as I stepped on campus and as soon as I started to do a little bit more research, I realized holy it's actually the place for me. So I would suggest that you keep an open mind and just forget.