Jocelyn Shares Her Dorm Tips!

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Now I'm going to give you guys the rundown of dorm tips Number one. I think you should bring a couch and a TV if you are living in the bigger dorms. Those three have larger rooms, so I would suggest bringing accounting and TV. It's great community area. It's great for if you have friends coming to visit. It's great for watching bachelor on the couch like anything really community wise, I think, is a good idea to bring a couch and a TV. The next thing on my list is to bring a desk lamp. The lights inside your dorm room are not very bright. So if you like to do homework at night or you just I need better lighting. If you like eating late at night, we're eating really healthy, and you don't always want to walk to the CAF. I have had a mini fridge the last two years living at Biola. It has been really helpful just because sometimes late at night. I just want a little something fantastic in the fridge. Or if I get sick and I can't make it to like across campus to go to the cafeteria. So with Dorn living, I will say each building has a different vibe. It just depends on your year, and it just depends on the people that are placed in it. There are a lot of athletes who live in hope just because of our distance to all the athletic buildings on DH. That's just how it's been. So if you know what kind of ivory looking for and you get a chance, visit Biola go into the dorms. You'LL kind of get a sense of what it's like. Since I'm talking about buildings, I will tell you that our campus is split into upper and lower campus. So whether or not you live either way, I mean they're all pretty much the same distance, I think, from campus people will say Horton is easier, walked to the CAF and you can get across campus like all the way across campus and like under ten minutes. So it's really not an issue where you live and like the distance on campus. Last thing I would suggest it's not really dorm, but I feel like I should put it in here. I'm just bringing a car just because La Mirada is a residential community, which I'LL talk about later. I just think having a car is so nice to get off campus because our campus is kind of small and you don't want to stay within the Bible a bubble, as we call it, You want to, like explore Ella or explore their places or find a church that you really love. It's literally like one hundred fifty dollars a semester for a parking permit, which is so much better than what I've seen at other state schools. So if you have the ability to bring your car, that's all I really have for like, door tips and born life. In the next video, I'm gonna talk a little bit more about apartments and like off campus living.